Where is the "Add Credit" Button?

  • Updated

Adding continuing education (CE) credit earned from external CE providers is an AANP member-only benefit. If you wish to utilize this function, make sure that you have a current AANP membership.


If you are a current AANP member, you will be able to see the "Add Credit" button located on your CE Tracker (cetracker.aanp.org) in the upper-right corner.



If you are not seeing the "Add Credit" button in your CE Tracker profile, it could be for one or more of the following reasons:

  • You are not currently an AANP member. If you would like to consider becoming a member to gain access to this function and a variety of other benefits, please visit aanp.org/membership to learn more.
  • You were previously an AANP member but your membership has lapsed. To check the status of your membership, go to my.aanp.org.
  • You became a new member or renewed a lapsed membership less than 24 hours ago. There is a 24-hour delay between our association management system and our learning management system. Users that become a new member or renew a membership must wait 24 hours for their updated membership information to be synced over into the learning management system. If you do not wish to wait 24 hours for this profile sync to occur, please submit a request for additional assistance through our AANP Help Center support form and a representative can manually sync your profile information upon request.

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