AANP Membership Information

  • Updated

How long does an AANP membership last?

AANP memberships are valid for 12 months from the date you join or renewal date. To view you AANP account visit: account.aanp.org. Renew at via this link as well.

Can I renew my AANP membership early?

If you renew prior to the expiration date listed on your AANP Account, the membership term (month and day) will remain the same, but the year will be extended. (For example, if you joined AANP on January 25, 2023your membership is valid for a total of 12 months and would expire on Jan. 24, 2024. If you renewed early on Dec. 15, 2023, your membership would be extended to Jan. 24, 2025).

How do I renew my membership?

AANP provides several convenient ways to renew your membership:

  • Renew online – Log in to your existing profile at account.aanp.org.
  • Renew by fax – Visit the Membership page to access the application and fax to 512-442-6469.
  • Renew by mail – Visit the Membership page to access the application, complete, print and mail to AANP, P.O. Box 12846, Austin TX 78711.
  • Renew by phone - Call the AANP Member Care Center at 512-505-0242 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. CT).

How long will it take to process my membership application?

Online applications are processed immediately upon payment submission. Please allow time for delivery of applications sent by postal mail. Once your application is processed, you will receive a confirmation email and a copy of your receipt for the transaction.



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