I'm Not a Member; What Policy Resources Can I Access?

  • Updated

Why not join todayMembers get more!

There are several members-only policy resources, but a few publicly accessible pages are available. Here’s a preview of what AANP has to offer:


Have a question about certification?

Learn more at the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board.

Have a question about state laws?

The AANP State Practice Environment has a link to your State Board of Nursing website for contact information and regulations, a link to your State Nurse Practice Act and a link to a members-only detailed State Policy Fact Sheet.

Have a question about engaging in advocacy?

Check out the AANP Advocacy Center.

DISCLAIMER: The material contained in this transmission is offered as information only and not as practice, financial, accounting, legal or other professional advice. Correspondents must contact their own professional advisors for such advice.

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